Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Monday, 27 April 2015

TIme goes slowly

Time goes slowly
endless journey
the waves in the sea
just flop

The energy around
hold little sound
like a air pocket with no pop/

Usually thrashing
against the stones
but today it's still
carm and unknown

Oh Lord please have good plans in place
for life without her I can't face

If she don't want me
that's ok
But it don't seem to be that way

I feel so helpless
to support their needs
like sitting ducks
for their evil to feed

Please protect them in your plan
please let me know this if you can

for I am fearful for their fate
and for answers I must wait.

I'll keep on going
the best I can
but please Lord God
make this your plan

I know it's a lesson
I have to learn
but I don't want a harsh one
for where can I turn

Oh please, oh please Lord
save their souls
save them from Satan’s goals

I have no bible
just blind faith and love
I want to serve you
and be steered from above

rather than by workers of evil
with their ultimate plan
use me Lord to do what I can

Running from reality

Running from reality
can't look at all
can't allow the feelings
they scare me to the full

Terrorise my mind
whilst tearing apart my heart
the pain as it rips
I can't allow to start

the odds are stacked against them
I've seen it all the way through
I pray to God to help them
on their path anew

The terror is unbearable
to allow any space at all

I have to run from seeing it
not face my loss and fall

I stay in the other realm
of holiday life with home
but truth is I have no-one
and really Im alone

I don't feel this
I feel complete
as long as I don't look

But I know not what the outcome be
on the road I took

I have no long term vision
only one to write my truth
as for all else in my life
I have to stay aloof

Have faith that this is all to plan
trust and surrender to the path
and see where it may take me
in this game of draught

Chess, check mate.
4 in a row
a game being played out
and fate is so

so I'll just make the moves
I know to make
And all the rest I plan not to take
but go with the flow
and trust real tough
that the best outcome
will be more than enough

Break through (selfish poem)

I want you to break through
I want life to be
me and you

Break through the mind control
break the program
make it your goal

Not for me
but I would  rejoice
but for yourself
to give you choice

of what you do
with your life
live it out
with your wife

I can't save you
If I only could
you KNOW I would

Prepared to die
to let the slaves go free
but I can't break it
It's not down to me

free will the Lord gave all
even though you have a glass wall

SMASH it down
I don't know how
no one can explain me now

I'll try real hard
to find a way
but PUNCH it , KICK it
I would say

although I'm told
the ways resist
stand firm . dont play
their way

But that is easy for
me to say

But please I ask
with all my heart
you try and smash
the wall apart

ask the Lord
to show you a way
I pray for you
every day

there must be one
you need to find it
to set free
all those behind it

I ask others to pray
to the Lord
to give you strength
to break through

smash it down
use all your might
they plan to use in you

Your rah to fight
to break the chains
visualize being free
from bodage
and captivity.

Love can conquer
lets show the world
when you sing

Thursday, 16 April 2015

For those who suffer in Oprah school

A painful place
I have to be
seeing all the
whilst others
view painted reality

I long for the future
when I can be
with human rights
free from slavery

at peace with those
I care about
where no one wants to
wipe me out

for saying what
I can see
the things
I know to be
The facts that will
set the people free

the traumas stay
clear in my head
of what others suffer
it is dread

Tortured in every way
they can
to bring about
an evil plan

to take control
of all on the earth
children traumatized
before birth

women breeding
whilst un beknowest to them
year after year
again and again

Oh Lord help me
say what I know
I will stand strong
and take the blow

I will say the truth
I can't bare this world
with its lies
people brain washed
and hypnotized

help me break it down for them
In Jesus name
deliver us Amen

IT's my brain

My brain used
As a commodity to steer
No it don’t go so
I tell you here

The lord knew all your plans
and moves you’d choose
Oh master of chess
your destined to loose

This piece
didn’t agree to play
your queen
won’t be check mated that way

I’ll throw the board up in the air
my games connect 4
and I play fair

got 3 in a row
multiplied by 10
It’s my move now
again and again

You created a monster
It’s your own fault
You messed with what’s not yours
And I can’t be bought

‘Everyone’s got a price’
What a load of shit
He who ever diggith the pit
Fall in it

I came to help
And that desire was abused
In natural law
You stand to loose

Whilst you felt in control
I was given all
But when I showed
Self governance
Then it was Machavelli rule

Plans had to change
The script rearranged
For a loose cannon was free
From captivity
And fearless was she

Trying with tactics to hook
Some how in
But your disguise was to thin
So no way to win
You sent your slave in
To capture my soul
This was your goal

To show me that not all could be saved
But I got through each trap you laid
So now I’m sure your try anew
Tactic to stall
Mouthy Lou

Disconnected and aloof

Disconnected and aloof
Separated from my truth
I face it full on
With my mind

But my emotions
I must hide behind
a wall created to survive
To enable me to stay alive

My mind shattered
By trauma so great
I think the desire of some
Was to create hate

But I knew that
didn’t fit right
So my emotions
I will channel to fight

To say what I know
That’s considered
Too much
The Lord says
Sound the trumpets
On such and such

How dare you treat me
As a commodity
Directing my life
Pretending I’m free

This slave will revolt
Will cause mayhem
Keep telling the truth
 God says

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Sickness in the family

Not satisfied with what they get
always wanting more
expecting more than you can give
grinding to the floor

You give an inch
they take a mile
But still expecting
you to smile

and even that's
not enough
they still want the
idealistic stuff

Your putty
for them to shape
a task for them
to undertake

There's no diversion
from the normal route
all rules are fixed
and absolute

They wonder why we
don't come near
to them
it's not very clear

They feel not wanted
and why

They are so lost
their souls do cry

In return you feel guilty
and cruel
obliged to follow
the golden rule

For this they say
they will be so glad
but it would only
make me sad

The conflict here
 hurts inside
for freedom of self
they would

They have themselves
but want your life too
and if not obtained
the guilts on you

But its not your fault
they are this way
so why should it be
you to pay?

Just live your life
how you please
and don't catch the family

( 3 July 1987 student years)

Don't patronize me

Don't patronize me
with your friendly smile
so plastic
and untrue

because when somethings
experienced a lot in life
the meaning just zooms through

I'm not an object of interest
to study
for my habit  in the herd
the only lesson you will learn
is your watching was observed

you see an object  

and study it's parts
a facinating thing

not aware
I'm watching back
seeing everything

but one mistake
you always make
is under estimation

because you forget
the object has a mind
for interpretation

A facinating object
for you to observe
is what you see
not a human being
that happens to
be me

You don't see me
only an object of interest
and to gather data
you put on your best

(written whilst a student in Psychology 1988 )

I'll do my best


I do my best,

But it ain’t good enough
I try my hardest,
But it just won’t do.
I do all I can
For my fellow man.
But it just ain’t good enough, it’s true.

I can’t see the point ,

but I know there must be one,
I feel my effects are too small

But my little, is a light to burn for truth,
And to be added to by all


I can’t do it on my own

but can inspire others,
Shine light on the traitors
for my sisters and brothers.

In time the illusion can come to view.
For what’s in the dark
The light will bring through.

Yes dark it is
And the vision disturbed
Many a cover, that are produced and heard.

The truth has to be spoken and heard just the same.
 And have it heard true by its burning flame.

To show people what they don’t know.

 And direction of where they should go.

Silence equals death,
I believe to be true
So I will speak my truth and illuminate the view.

Patiently, peacefully is to what I aspire
But life sometimes causes me to tier.
But onwards and upwards is the only way
So focused and determined is where I stay

(written January 2010 )