Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Thursday, 19 March 2015

wrote 1995 Basing Racing manic men a chasing

                   Manic men a chasing

 cant find a way out
           gonna be wipe out

Why see the window
             when all lights say go!

Now going solo
          trying to make

Haven't sat down
      as of yet
                 what was yesterday?
                                     Oh i forget

Can't see tomorrow
                on a rapid mind flow
                        can't seem to let go
                                         lay my head
                                              but still No!

Hearts a drumming solo
                    Heads a fuzzing
  fuse blow
                         Body tense alivo
                                    Ready steady
                                                    set go!

Time to pull on up
    charge my engine up
 rest a little
     cool it down
replace hamony
                in this town

Deeper breathing
                   Mind a clearing
                                Reality is now

Must avoid
             known suffering
                              If this life
                                        I am to win

Maintain my health
                 in mind body
                                and soul
stay contented
               in a complete

Work to get
             what I knows
so I can come
               to meet the night

New awakening
               has occured
                      feels so strange
        and obscured
                facing my reality

what's not me
                     Finding what is whom
                                                   I am
               Feeling I will lose
                                           the plan

so unfamiliar
             with this view
                           Yet ok old
                                  present and new

Where I'm going
                   Im not sure
                            I have opened
                                         a huge door

I need to learn
                the world it brings
                                  the change in things

Realtiy faced
             head on
                so near I need to see
                                       and gone

I'm doing fine
         but should learn caution
                                I only have
                                      a small portion

fearlessly treading
           then observing the point
                          which brings awareness
                                                          of the hint

To back off that danger
                              I need to see
                                         I need to have

To boldly go
                where others fear to tread
                                        I hope to learn
                                                  to think ahead

To see the danger
                 before its done
                              i hope I soon    
                                       will overcome


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