Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Monday, 18 May 2015

I must LOVE me

I'd love to run away from me
but it seems I'm trapped
can't break free

The me that sees the
horried truth
of which I need
to stay aloof

I look away
like 'normal' folk do
don't bring it
into my full view
       But nosey I am
       always seeking clues
and the 'me' finds them
and then the battle
I lose

For the truths I seek
are painfully real
and on Eureka!
then 'can't hear must feel'

but I can't stop myself
from seeking again
I know the trait
in me will remain
a constant battle
seek truth
           -then pain
                                                                                                            I can expose
                                                                                                                    your Rahs
                                                                                                                     go insane

So this catch 22
in which I find
that I can not
remain blind
or silent to what
I see
I best Love
that part called Me

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