I have to be
seeing all the
whilst others
view painted reality
I long for the future
when I can be
with human rights
free from slavery
at peace with those
I care about
where no one wants to
wipe me out
for saying what
I can see
the things
I know to be
The facts that will
set the people free
the traumas stay
clear in my head
of what others suffer
it is dread
Tortured in every way
they can
to bring about
an evil plan

to take control
of all on the earth
children traumatized
before birth
women breeding
whilst un beknowest to them
year after year
again and again
Oh Lord help me
say what I know
I will stand strong
and take the blow
I will say the truth
I can't bare this world
with its lies
people brain washed
and hypnotized
help me break it down for them
In Jesus name
deliver us Amen
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