Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Thursday, 29 January 2015

A poem to ' The evil rulers of the world'

The evil rulers of the world try twisting many souls,
breaking spirits before birth
just to meet their goals.

Using people as mindless slaves,
no choice on how they behave.

It tears my heart and burns my soul
So outing them will be my goal.

For there is no other path to take,
To ignore this truth would make me fake.
No point to that life I do know.

So watch and learn as the whistle I blow.

In slavery times that they choose to write,
we had house and field slaves ,
with a class war fight.

The house slaves happy ,
they had nice cloths; the bling.

Whilst field slaves ragged but their heart did sing.

And when a fire in the masters house arose,
the house slave mind,
dressed in nice cloths,
would run for water to put it out.
But the field slave singers
would not even shout.

But pray for wind to burn it down.
I choose to pray and not to drown.

in sadness and guilt that I did not fight.
But proud to stand for TRUTH and LIGHT.


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