Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Insight into Darkness: Poetic Truth

Monday, 13 July 2015

Happy Birthday Boo Boo

Kill one
kill two
but they still carry on
but words of truth
are a weapon
that can be made into a song

law says an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth
but tell me what is their defense
from LOVE and TRUTH

A whisper of truth
its vibrations so strong
compared to a screaming crowd
of lies
will be drown
cos they're wrong

So don't join no
gangs, groups or clubs
stay true to yourself
and using kid gloves

steer your life how YOU wish
it to grow
stand in love and truth
don't sell your soul

don't hunger for money
cos it's just
a paper hook
to be given and taken
just for a look.

see my freedom cars
last through the rain
and storms
whilst BMW drivers
on hard shoulder
with scorns

We reap what we sow
so I'm letting you know
that it's your souls what
makes you so

You can't hold me down forever

You can’t hold me down forever
Just cos you choose
While my sisters are suffering
And singing the blues

I keep coming with truth
 their creative art I bring
Cos change is coming
And goods gonna win

So hide all you like
My books, links, and blogs
And show the world
That you are just dogs

For the more you oppress me
The more I will bring
And the show ain’t over
Till the fat lady sing

The heartless game

 It’s a heartless game
Programmed to blame
Damned if you do or don’t

Can’t win
either way
It’s just an evil game
don’t play

Find something else to do
Let them bring themselves to you
Accepting you for what you are
Not judging you from afar

Whilst behaving like they being true
But they have a wall between them and you

Nothing helps
Nothing hinders
Love frequencies to high
The alter that holds the front
Hates it if you try

The only option
Is to leave
Accept the truth
Need to grieve

The effort has to come from them
They need to see
The truth again

It’s not their choice
To be that way
The alters been switched
The core held at bay

Held in place with patterns
Of tortured past
With triggered cues
to make it last

The only way back
Is with a fight
A fight for their human right
To run their body as their own
Not a slave to a master on some throne

Yes this fights not no easy task
But the way out
Is to break the mask
Shatter the glass the core sees through
Break through the programs
That hold the ’you’

Some tell me of using the keys
To bring the system to its knees
But I’m yet to learn this skill
But I’m sure if needed
In time I will.